sesi soal jawab.

04 September 2010

syukran! alhamdulillah! thank God!

finally my results have come out.n i passed! im so relieved! 3rd year! here i come biatch! but, lets raya first ;p

maaf zahir n batin guys!

24 August 2010

this time! skyline r34!my old n forever fav! if in blue color, it makes the car pop!
okey, bhp is about 276 default, but most of the cars that came out of factory have more than that, 330 of even 400.initially it has only rear wheel drive but this r34, has all wheel drive, so during turning on tight turn, it slides more responsive to the steering.

ouh my, if only i can test drive this thang, i would be....speechless!

23 August 2010

Nice interior huh?

damn nice!
i wanna tap that!

haha.this is my newly fav among super cars!long time ago, it was R8 this! just look at them, mind blowingly fast n fucken beautiful.its oragasmic!haha.the price? money no talk, its about 170k pound! its is an upgrade from the f430 scuderia..
bhp is 652! nought to 60 is 3.4 secs. it has dual clutch gear box. its very sharp in term of handling, acceleration, braking,my god its a beaut!

i know its not the fastest car in the world,(bugatti veyron is) but none of that matters! its about passion!ouh my....

21 August 2010

the things i hate bout india.

well surprise2, long time ago, i used to make jokes about india these n that, lastly, im kene dgn batang idung sendiri.studying in india!nonetheless, whatever Allah hav put me through, there's alwayz hikmah behind them..n my jod is to find that hikmah.its maybe for my own good :)

this moneng,im well prepared to go to trichy airport.usually, its takes 5 hours to reach there. magically, since the hiway has been built, there was only 3 hours of so terrified if im not gonna make it before the departure time.the thing i hate about indian is, i know i sound racist n all, since i study here(salem)im quite meluat with the kerenah n problem they make n tend to ignore if sumthings came up.
such kerenahs are:
1. they dnt usually come at the exact time that they had! i really hate this kind of attitude!its shows not only the person not doing a good job but just playing around with words!lets say, if they want to meet me around 2pm,then exactly at 2pm i sudah terpajak mcm tunggul kayu kat situ.still, they dont arrive yet.rage!

2. they are like to drive like jamesbond!wth!they do the rendevous of basically a secret agent trying to catch the culprit..belok kiri belok kanan.padahal bwk 60km/h je.the fuccc*
rage!!!!my heart sounds like dub dab dub dab very fast!n i pushed my imaginary break if the driver drove too closely to the front vehicle..omg! im just tired i think i stop now.haha.jetlag n lepas-mkn-byk2-waktu-bukak-puasa-syndrome!
if im rajin, i write summore!n i'l upload some of my cat pics!they become obese!!!so cute though!

19 August 2010


its been ages! hello bloggy2.haha.first of all, i wanna say done with my second year exams! fuh. its been 2 full months! non stop pulling all nighter!i think this is the most fearful exams ive been encountered!seriusly shit! everyday my hands all sweaty up touching every bit of pages of different books! n my room looks like massacre! haha.

i dont know, i think studying in india just memorizing the definitions n classification of drugs n cracks.they dont know how to answer if the questions are putar belit sedikit. damn!
i didnt really memorize all the defs but im trying to use my own words to make up the defs. one time the invigilator asked me,'you refer what books?'
i said ' eeeerrrrr,' then the invigi just geleng2 kepala just like nodding in tamil gesture..i dont either its bad or not. is it?hehe.

im really satisfied with my exams n all generally.really2..becuz im studying not just by hafal membabi bute but im learned with all my heart.i know its sound cheeesy, but what the hell! at least i learned that studying medic(dental) not just about memorizing, its about connecting the dot that need to be connected, n honestly im feel very grateful that i can achieve such comprehension.thats all u need, once u understand what u been studying, u can basically tackle every given questions..

thats is for now! btw, im excited!!!!tmr i will go back to home country!ouh..ive been craving bazar ramadan!!! bye love u all!